Grimsby Central Hall

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Affiliated Groups

Many local groups and organisations consider the Central Hall their ‘home’, some meet weekly and others monthly. However, they all share a desire to welcome new members, so please have a look at what is on offer; you may discover a new hobby or perhaps be inspired to revive an old one.

Grimsby Concert Society

Grimsby Concert Society was the co-inspiration of the late Dorothy Dean, the highly respected headmistress of Wintringham Grammar School, and originally formed as Wintringham Society of Arts. Fifty-four years later, the Society’s purpose remains to promote, between October and April, a series of seven classical concerts of the highest quality, featuring professional musicians. 
In launching the 2013/14 concert season, Rosalind Hatton, chairman of the Society said: “Over the years, audiences have enjoyed performances of the highest artistic standards by internationally renowned musicians and have also had the opportunity of hearing young award-winning performers at the outset of their careers”. She went on to describe this year’s programme, details of which you will find on our What’s On page, as a “rich variety of music”.
Non-members are able to buy individual concert tickets via our box office however; the Society offers an annual membership, currently £60, which provides an attractive range of benefits. This includes entry to all seven concerts (a saving of £25), priority booking with reserved seating, half-price admission to Scunthorpe Music Society’s concerts and the opportunity to attend other social events in a friendly atmosphere with like-minded music lovers.

Further information concerning membership is available from David Griffiths, Secretary of the Society, by calling 01472 – 596 589.


Grimsby & Cleethorpes Ladies Choir

The late Vera Burton formed the Cleethorpes Ladies Choir in 1971 and in 1996; the Choir changed its name to Grimsby & Cleethorpes Ladies Choir.
Their present Musical Director, Rita Grove, took over in 2008 and they currently enjoy a membership of around 45 members.
The choir offers a large and varied repertoire and over the years has had many Festival successes.
Exchange visits have been made by to choirs in France, Germany (twice) and Denmark (twice). On its second visit to Denmark, the Choir sang at the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen.
The Choir has belonged to the National Association of Choirs for many years and is an active member of the local group.
Exchange concerts with other choirs, especially Male Voice Choirs, take place on a regular basis and various Charities have benefited from these performances. Smaller concerts in aid of local charities, singing at weddings and visits to entertain at residential homes all contribute to a busy calendar of events.

For more information, visit the choirs website by clicking on their name above.


Grimsby Philharmonic Society

Grimsby Philharmonic Society, though not always under that name, has been part of the cultural life of the town since its formation in 1852.
Since 1882, there have been only six chorus masters and its current conductor is the internationally well-known choral trainer Susan Hollingworth. Under her inspirational leadership, the ‘Phil’ is now tackling exciting works by contemporary composers whilst not forgetting the favourite classics.
Over the years, the ‘Phil’ has treated Grimsby audiences to some of the most famous soloists of the day, such as Peter Pears, Kathleen Ferrier and Isobel Baillie, Thomas Allen and Elisabeth Schumann. The unusual circumstances of the war years allowed local audiences to savour performances by such distinguished artists as Moisevitch, Solomon and Myra Hess.
One of the many highlights in the ‘Phil’s’ history occurred during Hedley Atkin’s 20-year term as chorus master. A concert of an all-Britten programme not only featured Peter Pears but also included the composer amongst the audience. The performance later prompted him to remark that he believed it to be the first concert in the country devoted solely to his music.
The ‘Phil’, as it is affectionately known, meets every Monday at 7.30pm in the Roy Kemp Room of the Central Hall. If their concert schedule whets your appetite and you would like to sing an interesting repertoire, then why not join them.

For more information, contact Estelle Foulkes, Secretary, on 01472 823 484 or view their website by clicking on their name above.

Orpheus Male Voice Choir

The Orpheus Male Voice Choir was formed in 1949 by a small group of enthusiastic male singers and early successes in competitive festivals soon led to an increase in membership.
The choir continued to grow and in 1981 came under the musical direction of Richard Bradley. The choir has continued to grow under his direction with many competition successes, broadcasts, recordings and concerts given throughout England, Wales, Germany, Holland, France and Sweden.

The choir has performed in concerts with many well-known international and local solo artists as well as some of the country’s leading brass bands, military bands and jazz groups.
The Orpheus performs in many varied venues and willingly supports charitable occasions. They also regularly promote their own concerts at major venues and play host to a variety of well-known performers as well as encouraging young people who are at the beginning of their professional careers. They can also be heard regularly in churches and halls in support of a variety of community events.
The choir rehearses at the Central Hall each week and is always delighted to welcome new members with or without experience. The choir continues under the musical direction of Richard Bradley and the accompanist is Esther Peterson both of whom are well known and well respected local musicians.

To obtain further information please contact Alan Jacklin on 01472 502 833 or view the choir's website by clicking on their name above.
